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Monday, December 12, 2011

Tiniest babies Health

health of tiny baby
A healthy first year, and other honors, majoring in psychology students. Once the smallest baby born, two girls are thriving, even though when they enter the world weighing less than a pound of long odds.

Recovery from the doctor the baby in the hospital's medical reports the Chicago suburbs, is a success story and a cautionary tale. These two are the exception, and its remarkable health should not be increased after years of false hope: Most small babies do well, many people can not survive, even with advanced medical care.

"Maywood, Illinois Loyola University Medical Center, said Dr. Jonathan:" Muraskas, it is this extreme case, they should not be regarded as "benchmark" means, the doctor should try to save all babies are so small , he said.

This report covers Madelinman, weight 9.9 oz in 1989, was born, then the world record and 7-year-old Rahman Rumaisa, its 9.2 ounces, birth weight is still the world's smallest. Rumaisa's birth weight is the first published a few ounces less, but this figure is based on different conversion scale.

Since 1989, two babies were born weighing less Bimadelin, and a German girl born in the same year her birth weight.

Report published online Monday in Pediatrics.

Dr Stephen said: "It involves a heated debate, Madeleine was born in the issue 22 years ago, and still is hot - still no answer:" What is the feasibility true age, no one knows, Welty, Baylor College of Medicine and the neonatal administration of the Texas Children's Hospital in Houston.

Muraskas and co-author, said most experts believe that infants born after 25 weeks of pregnancy the baby is viable - likely to survive - so they should accept medical intervention, if necessary, to breathe. Young infants are generally in the "gray area", "intervention is not always so clear, the report recommends.

In Japan, doctors have lowered the threshold - gestation - 22 weeks. Normally last approximately 40 weeks of pregnancy.

Some U.S. doctors will try to save babies 22 weeks, but that is not routine, Edward Bell, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Iowa, said.

Bell runs the world's smallest baby registry online, birth weight less than 14 ounces, or slightly less than 1 pound. Since 1936, 124 have been listed. The registry is compiled from voluntary reporting of doctors, so does not represent all of the survivors.

Bell estimates that about 7,500 U.S. babies born each year weighing less than one pound, about 10% survive.

Sometimes receding, the survival of life, birth signs, babies may be able to breathe for a short time, if the incubator and attached to a ventilator and intravenous therapy. "Bell said," but even so, if it is a baby, not a chance, we do not want the baby and the family through the discomfort.

Muraskas said his report highlights the sometimes overlooked fact: the survival of gestational age is more important than size.

Rumaisa and Madeleine palm-sized, weighing less than soft drinks - a 18-week-old fetus of average size, but they are larger than a few weeks. - - Rumaisa and nearly 27 weeks Madeleine's nearly 26 weeks gestational age mean, their lungs and other organs mature enough to make survival possible.

But both require intensive medical intervention. They cesarean delivery over a month early because their mothers with severe pre-eclampsia, high blood pressure, pregnancy-related. Two babies immediately hooked as thin as noodles ventilator tube down their stocks of small airlines.

Rumaisa has a twin birth more than twice as big. Some details about her, including in the report.

Before birth, mothers were given steroids to accelerate lung growth in premature babies. Even so, Rumaisa and Madeleine ventilator for about two months, and was hospitalized for about four months.


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