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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Morning rising price of gasoline and diesel 2012

Morning rising price of gasoline and diesel
The Mexican Association of Entrepreneurs gas station (Amegas) announced the third increase in fuel value, the third year, placing type Magna gasoline at 10 pesos per liter.

According to the information contained, the increase was given to this fuel was 9 cents over the price of the previous month. Meanwhile, premium fuel, higher octane, 10.47 pesos will be sold in liter, with an advance of five cents, while diesel has increased seven cents to sell at 10.36 pesos per liter.

As part of these increases again complaining voice of society is evident, this time played by Professor Isidro Arenas sanluisino Jesus Ayon catalog landslides as insensitive.

He regretted that the federal government, the House of Representatives and Senate have not heard the social demand, a situation that severely eroded national economic impact within the family.

He said that Mexico's problems have a solution, "Mexico is over-diagnosed, many scholars have pointed out the economy and now we can point to any person, we all know that the solution is not to charge more taxes to the society."

He said that measures to streamline government spending, as in the case of cutting operating expenses such as wages and bonuses, this would help significantly to a better operation of the government apparatus, leaving free money to start to apply it to actions benefit to the public.

"Inventing and reinventing taxes is not the solution," insisted the former director of CESUES, who has been a constant critic of government work of the three levels of government without distinction of party colors.

"The solutions are simple but do not want done, we have wasted 12 years in the shifting dark that governments have failed to solve the problems of our country, it requires people who really know how to work to improve our situation. Mexico does not deserve people unable to occupy such important positions, "he concluded.


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