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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Putin and Obama want to improve relations 2012

Putin and Obama want to improve relations 2012
The protest against Vladimir Putin does not want to fall silent. Once again, the Russian opposition takes to the streets. Barack Obama congratulated Putin on his election victory.

Nearly a week after the victory of Vladimir Putin in the presidential election in Russia, U.S. President Barack Obama has his future colleagues by telephone to congratulate his success at the disputed election.

At the meeting discussed among other things, the politicians had success in the bilateral relations between the two countries during the past few years, the U.S. government said on Friday in Washington.

Criticism of choice is no longer taken

Among other things, it had gone to the situation in Afghanistan and Iran, the Sart-disarmament agreement and the planned accession of Russia to the World Trade Organization (WTO). The criticism of the U.S. government on the course of the Russian presidential election on Sunday was not in the declaration of the White House picked up again.

Washington had asked Moscow after allegations of fraud marred by voting for an independent investigation into the allegations. For the election, Putin, Russia was already in the years 2000 to 2008 head of state and head of government since the country emerged after official figures, with 63.6 percent of the votes in the first round of voting as the winner.

After finally cooled relations, the two leaders agreed on a continuation of the discussions in areas where the positions were recently distinguished as the White House announced.


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