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Friday, March 9, 2012

Unemployment in Canada: Still one of the lowest rates in Quebec 2012

Unemployment in Canada: Still one of the lowest rates in Quebec 2012
Due to a decline of nearly 38,000 the number of people looking for work, the unemployment rate fell 0.2% in February in Canada to 7.4%, according to Statistics Canada. In Quebec, the unemployment rate edged up 0.1%. Some 2,600 jobs were lost in New Brunswick in February, which resulted in a 0.6% unemployment rate, the latter to 10.1 percent. In Ontario, employment was little changed, but the rate decreased 0.5% to 7.6%, mainly as a result of a decrease in the number of people looking for work, the largest the country. During the last month across the country, employment has lost ground in the retail and wholesale trade, transportation and warehousing, health care and social assistance as well as in government public. These declines were offset by gains in finance, insurance, real estate and leasing services in education and in business services, services to buildings and other support services.

The full-time employment and part-time employment showed little change in February. Compared with 12 months earlier, the number of full-time workers increased by 1.5% (204 000), while that of part-time workers fell by 2.5% (83,000). Meanwhile, the total number of hours worked increased by 1.7%, and this growth was all in the first half of the period.


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