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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Unions mobilize thousands of people against labor reform 2012

Unions mobilize thousands of people against labor reform 2012
The streets of Madrid and other Spanish cities have so many been refilled a second time against the labor reform approved by the Government. With these demonstrations, trade unions CCOO and UGT display their strength in the face of the general strike called for March 29 and whose participation has already begun. If no change "substantial"-will-have warned the protests in a warning that the conflict could become entrenched in the street. The main protest in Madrid has been developed and has been held in some 60 cities. They have also been numerous marches Barcelona, Valencia and Seville.

With the general strike on the table and the talk of the massive influx of today serves as yardstick for the environment and the impact it would have the call. However, the leaders of CCOO, Ignacio Fernández Toxo, and UGT, Colin Campbell, have launched the gauntlet to the Government: there is still time to negotiate and clear the call.

However, the 29-M is not the "end" of the conflict in the street. If there is a substantial change, something that the government has said repeatedly that he will not, unions warn of extending their proposals further because the law is a "blackmail." So, have warned the Government that the strike is not a "drink" that is passed that day, but it would be a point in escalating demonstrations.

Under the slogan "No to useless and ineffective labor reform, defend your rights and public services", the march of Madrid has gathered tens of thousands of people in a colorful protest and culminating with speeches by union leaders. They have estimated the mobilization of the various protests in the country in a million and half people.


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