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Friday, October 14, 2011

BlackBerry Blackout CAn it be Restored

blackberry out

Black Berry is changing life. The internet blackout that afflicted Blackberry users for more than three days this week was caused by a complex series of hardware and software failings at RIM, the Canadian firm behind the smartphone brand. Engineers at its European headquarters in Slough, Berkshire, as well as its corporate base in Waterloo, Ontario, are still investigating what went so badly wrong. According to industry sources, however, a picture is beginning to emerge. While Slough is the site of RIM's European headquarters, and is also in charge of operations in the Middle East and Africa, it is not the physical location of the stacks of networking equipment that actually serve the tens of millions of BlackBerry users in these regions. The firm is famously tight-lipped on such matters, but it is widely known within the mobile industry that the machines are actually maintained at its site in Egham, Surrey. The problems began on Monday at around 10AM BST. Mobile networks noticed that BlackBerry internet traffic had fallen away completely. Senior RIM executives confirmed to them that there was a problem, and that an urgent investigation had been launched. Brief outages are reasonably common in the internet industry and at this stage there was no indication that this one would lead so many customers to vow to abandon their BlackBerry in favour of rival smartphones. RIM's investigation revealed the apparent cause of the outage to be a failed Cisco switch in its core network. Switches are basic components of Internet Protocol networks. They are specialised computers that direct communications within networks; in this case the emails, web browsing and instant messages of millions BlackBerry Internet Service users . On day three of the crisis, RIM publicly admitted it had suffered a "core switch failure". If everything had worked to plan, the failure would not have mattered. A backup system also failed, however, for reasons that remain obscure and will surely be among the top priorities of RIM's own post-mortem investigation. Ironically, suspicion has fallen on a network upgrade programme specifically designed to prevent outages. Involving "fundamental" changes, it was initiated after a North American BlackBerry outage in December 2009. Work in Britain was completed only two months ago, sources said. blackberry problemAfter Monday's morning's collapse, RIM's engineers decided to revert the software running the switching infrastructure to the pre-upgrade version. This meant the Internet Protocol backbone of the BlackBerry network in Europe, the Middle East and Africa had to be rebuilt from scratch. Effectively reset, the switches and routers had to learn where they were within the network and how to talk to each other again. Yet this is normally relatively simple job, perhaps taking a few hours, experienced network engineers have told The Telegraph. The core switch and backup switch failure, and the software rollback, need not have caused a 72-hour-plus disaster. But an unknown point following the switch failure, the Egham data centre's Oracle database, a bespoke and heavy-duty communications data storage application, was corrupted. This database is effectively the "brain" of the BlackBerry Internet Service, handling messages and forwarding data to users. With saving the Oracle database the top priority, RIM was forced to repair software while it was still running - a difficult and fraught process known as a "hotfix". "Working with a live database like that is the stuff of nightmares," explained one network engineer .. This database corruption problem, according to industry sources, is thought to be the reason the outage lasted well into Thursday for many users. The period of message delays and patchy browsing that marked the end of the outage, and spread to North America and Asia, was caused by the backlog of data that built up. RIM's global systems had to grind through huge quantities of data on as its European systems were gradually fixed. The firm had prematurely declared victory on Tuesday morning, when it said services had been "restored". But the database problems prompted a second collapse before users received any data. Of all the public relations mistakes commentators have said RIM made this week, this act of optimism annoyed its network partners the most. "They should have just asked us - we weren't seeing any BlackBerry traffic," said a source at a British network. "They were being far too positive. It didn't help." Britain's mobile network chiefs are said to be "absolutely furious" with RIM, but they know that the must continue to work with it, as BlackBerry users' internet service will always depend on the firm. In a press conference at 3PM on Thursday, Mike Lazaridis, RIM's founder and co-CEO, having already apologised profusely, finally announced systems were returning to normal. This time he was backed up by the mobile networks, who saw their BlackBerry subscribers data connections flicker back to life. It is day four of a global BlackBerry outage and Research In Motion can't say when the blackout affecting millions of users will end. The company's founder Mike Lazaridis apologized on Thursday in a video message to BlackBerry users, saying services "are returning to normal" in parts of the world, but he wasn't able to say when they will be fully restored. "We know we've let many of you down. You expect more from us. I expect more from us, "Lazaridis said in the video message." We are now approaching normal levels in Europe, the Middle East, India and Africa, "he claimed, as millions of customers worldwide had their messaging and email services disrupted since Monday, October 10. As the outage spread from Europe to Latin America and North America through to Wednesday, server problems originating at RIM's UK data center were blamed for up to 70 million BlackBerry users' inability to use various features of their phones , including emails and messenger. "I'd like to give an estimated time for full recovery round the world but I cannot do this at this time," Lazaridis added. Just before midnight (PT), RIM also said service levels are "progressing well in the US, Canada and Latin America. "As services are restored, it is expected to take some time for users to receive their entire backlog of emails. In the US, RIM said on Wednesday that email systems, BBM and browsing services are operational, as the company continues to clear backlogged messages. The global BlackBerry outage could not have come at a worse time for RIM. On Friday, Apple's iPhone 4S is set to go on sale after record-breaking one million pre-orders in just 24 hours. Glowing reviews for the iPhone 4S coupled with a sleeve of cloud services integrated into iOS 5 (available now), are further jeopardizing RIM's declining smartphone market share. Millions of BlackBerry users in South Africa and across the world emerged from their BlackBerry instant messaging and internet slumber today after being cut off for three days. But technology gurus say the technical glitch was symptomatic of bigger problems at Research in Motion (RIM), the Canadian company that makes the phones. RIM said a crucial link in its European infrastructure failed on Monday, and a back-up didn't work. The underlying problem had been fixed, but a backlog of e-mails and messages remained. RIM said on its website: "In Europe, Middle East, India and Africa, we are seeing a significant increase in service levels. Our global teams are continuing to work as quickly as possible to restore full and consistent service across all regions. "BlackBerry has 70 million subscribers worldwide. Stuff SA magazine editor Toby Shapshak said there is a market perception that RIM is in trouble "and perception is worse than reality". "They are under pressure in their North American market, their home market, with Google's Android phones and Apple phones on their heels". ICT analyst Arthur Goldstuck said the failure of BlackBerry is a symptom of leadership failure at RIM. "The most startling aspect of the crisis, however, is how RIM have treated it. They have not allowed local representatives to comment to media or customers, and all communication is managed from the UK." According to recent research from Goldstuck's World Wide Worx, BlackBerry has a 4 percent cellphone market share in South Africa. Blackberry users in the city who were severely hit by the recent back up failure at Research In Motion (RMI) have been complaining about the crash. While a few are still determined to continue using their Blackberry phones, a few others say they might shift to other mobile brands if these problems recur. Though the sales of Blackberry are not likely to be affected this festive season, another crash would definitely force Blackberry users to shift to other mobile brands. Millions of Blackberry smart phone users across the globe were frustrated for three days as their message and mail services failed due to an infrastructure crash, which happened due to a core switch failure at RIM, the Canadian company which processes these devices. They were unable to browse the web or instant messages, or access other internet services such as email. Some Blackberry addicts in the city were exasperated that their "webworld" came to a stand-still after the Blackberry messenger (BBM) , an online chat application stopped working. Despite this, a few loyal Blackberry users like Lolita Das, an employee of a publication house, say, "Most of our office network is on BBM, exchanging material, ideas and mailing reports from the field has been a real problem. It was quite a handicap. But, I would not change my phone for two reasons. Blackberry is cheaper than an iPhone and BBM is a very effective service. "A nother Blackber ryaddict, Kamal Kiran, an employee of Flagstone Re, says, "It has been a huge problem. I am like a Bl a ckbe rry addict. All my games, emails, office emails, BBM, applications and everything is sorted on my phone. For three days, my phone was like a black paper weight. "Asked if he would still continue using Blackberry, he replies," I would definitely go on with it. The applications and the operation software is so userfriendly, that it is like custom-made for me. I guess it was just an infrastructure crash at the RIM. Their back-up should have worked. I am sure they will work on the problem and get it fixed. "He further adds," The messenger is great and the apps are amazing. Without my Blackberry I am nothing and I am also gifting one to my friend. Since Thursday morning, my phone has been responding quite well but if this happens two or three times, I will go back to my Nokia phone. "Initially when Blackberry phones were launched in the market, they were labelled as business phones. A Blackberry developer, Parasmani Swamy says, "In my opinion it is the best business phone, because it's secure and fast. Blackberry phones were not welcomed in the beginning as they was purely marketed as business phones. It feels the heat from other competitors on a regular basis, and it is still trying to maintain its existence. But there is still a large group of users who would prefer Blackberry over other phones. "However, there are quite a few who use Blackberry just as a back-up phone for official purposes. Ravi Korukonda, co-founder and chief operating officer of [x] cube labs, a telecom software developing firm says, "The BB crash was terrible. Almost 70 million people were affected . The big thing is the co-incidence to die on same day when apple was launching iPhone5 and 4GS. "He then adds," I use that as a backup to test our apps. So I prefer iPhone and Nexus as my primary phones. I think the time of blackberry is gone. Apple has come up with the iMessenger and now its not only a gaming gadget. The future will be touch and Apple. "One of the Blackberry store's inter store phone demonstrator Mohammad Iftekar says," There has always been a craze for Blackberry and even now there are many people who have been asking for the phone and its features. Research In Motion's co-CEOs have apologized to millions of BlackBerry customers for a four-day outage that has tarnished RIM's image and set back its drive to catch up with Apple and other smartphone rivals. The system-wide failure, which began on Monday, left tens of millions of frustrated BlackBerry users on five continents without email, instant messaging and browsing. The executives - Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie - made an unusual joint appearance at a news conference on Thursday in an apparent attempt to contain the fallout from a crisis that came at a particularly inopportune time for the company. RIM, whose share price has tumbled this year, is already reeling after a series of profit warnings and product missteps. The service disruption could cost the BlackBerry maker millions of dollars in compensation to customers who lost service. Experts say it could also damage the BlackBerry's reputation for reliability, one of its chief selling points. "We still believe that most of RIM's value is in the network and messaging business and this could crimp that value, "Wedbush analyst Scott Sutherland said." I want to apologize to all the BlackBerry customers we've let down, "Lazaridis said in opening the conference call . "Our inability to quickly fix this has been frustrating." The Canadian-based company said it had fixed the root cause of a global disruption in BlackBerry services and was working to clear a huge backlog caused by the outage. Though there was no independent confirmation of RIM's claims, BlackBerry users around the world said on Thursday afternoon that service appeared to be returning to normal. The outage - and RIM's sluggish communications with its customers - have fanned rising dissatisfaction with Lazaridis and Balsillie. Even before the latest outage, critics were seeking a shake-up at RIM, saying the top managers have let the company fall too far behind Apple and other rivals in a rapidly changing market. The session was only the second call that RIM has held since the crisis began on Monday, and it was the first in which the chief executives fielded questions from the media. Public relations specialists have wondered why it took the company so long, saying its response to the crisis has been slow and poorly communicated. "I think a statement of empathy that wouldn 't cost anybody anything could have been made within hours, "said Allan Bonner, a leading public relations crisis management consultant in Toronto." They're doing crisis response the way they're designing their software these days - it's outdated, slow and not being well-received by their customers, "said Gene Grabowski, senior vice president at Levick Strategic Communications. The company did not say for certain whether it would compensate customers. When Balsillie was asked about it, he said:" That is something we are now turning our attention to and that is something that we plan to come back to these customers on very, very soon. "Spain's Telefonica and other network providers have already said they would compensate customers over the lost service, and analysts expects operators to seek to recoup those losses from RIM. If RIM were to pay back all affected carriers and customers it could knock between 3 and 5 cents off earnings per share in the quarter ending in late November, according to BMO Capital Markets analyst Tim Long. That would amount to a reduction in profit of between $ 15 million and $ 26 million. One more obstacle The outage puts one more obstacle in the path of the Canadian smartphone maker as it looks to reverse a festering loss of market share in the United States that many analysts fear will spread to RIM's growth markets overseas. RIM released a batch of updated touchscreen phones in August as a holding measure until a major launch next year of a line of BlackBerry smartphones operated by the software that now powers its PlayBook tablet. The transition is considered crucial to its turnaround efforts and its best hope of catching up with Apple's iPhone and devices powered by Google's Android. On Thursday, the shares had slipped 1.1 percent to $ 23.60 by mid-afternoon on the Nasdaq. The stock has lost two-thirds of its value since a peak near $ 70 in February. The service disruption both highlights the special features offered by BlackBerry in terms of security and at the same time shows it is vulnerable to massive failures. RIM is unique among handset makers, as it compresses and encrypts data in its own system before pushing it to BlackBerry devices via carrier networks. Apple and others rely on carrier networks to handle all routing and delivery of content. RIM said it had determined that the outage - the most extensive in the company's history - was caused by a malfunctioning switch at a data center in Slough, England, and the subsequent failure of a backup to operate properly. That triggered a massive reservoir of data that jammed up other data centers, spreading the disruption to most regions. Lazaridis said it would take some time to pinpoint why the switch and back-up both failed, setting off the crisis. Michael Howard, a principal analyst with Infonetics, a networking equipment market research firm, said the outage indicates RIM needs to expand the capacity of its network. "Anybody who knows how to build backup builds resilient data centers and resilient networks, "he said." I'm sure they are going to change the way they store and change their data. "Still, RIM is hoping consumers hooked on its proprietary instant messaging system and executives who rely on its secure email service forget the latest hiccup. Marie, a 28-year old Canadian BlackBerry user who did not want to give her surname, said RIM's problems were of little concern as she eyed the various BlackBerry handsets on display at the Gitex Shopper in Dubai, which claims to be the Middle East's largest electronics fair. "They can get it fixed - everything that has technology has its flaws - it's not the end of the world," she said.
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The Internet is a series of complex hardware and software failures behind the smart phone brand Canadian company RIM, causing power outages, more than three days per week the torture of BlackBerry users. In the Slough, Berkshire's European headquarters engineers, and business in Waterloo, Ontario, the base is still under investigation what a serious mistake. However, according to industry sources, the picture began to emerge.

Although Slough is RIM's European headquarters, and also in charge of the business stuff and Africa, it is not the physical location of network equipment, in fact, become the region's tens of thousands of millions of BlackBerry users stack.

The company is well-known tight-lipped on such matters, but it is widely used in mobile communications industry is in fact well known to keep their machines in Egham, Surrey.

Problems began on Monday at around 10 am BST. Mobile network notes, the BlackBerry Internet traffic has been reduced to completely disappear. RIM's senior executives confirmed that they have a problem, it has begun an urgent investigation.

Introduction to power outages are fairly common in the Internet industry, at this stage, there is no indication that this will lead to so many customers, vowed to give up their BlackBerry smart phones in favor of competitors. RIM's survey outage obvious reason is a failure in its core Cisco network switches. Internet protocol network switch is an essential component. They are a dedicated computer network to communicate directly; In this case, millions of users of the BlackBerry Internet Service e-mail, web browsing and instant messaging.

In the crisis of three one day, RIM publicly acknowledged that it suffered "core switch failure."

If all the work plan, the failure might be. Backup system also failed, however, for still unclear, RIM will become their primary task of the autopsy report the cause of the investigation.

Ironically, the suspicion has fallen on the network upgrade program designed to prevent blackouts. Involving "fundamental" changes, which began in December 2009, the North American BlackBerry outage. It is said that in the UK work is completed two months ago.

Monday morning after a crash, RIM's engineers decided to resume operation of the switching infrastructure software upgrade previous versions. This means that in Europe, BlackBerry Internet protocol backbone network, the Middle East and Africa must be rebuilt from scratch. Valid reset, switches and routers to understand their networks, and how to talk to each other again.

However, this is usually a relatively simple task, perhaps to a few hours, experienced network engineers told the "Daily Telegraph." Core switch and backup switch fails, the software rollback, no more than 72 hours has caused the disaster.

However, below the unknown switch failure, Egham data center Oracle database, custom data storage and heavy communications applications, has been damaged. This database is an effective "brain" in the BlackBerry Internet Service, messaging and data forwarding to the user.

With the top priority of the Oracle database saving, RIM was forced to repair the software while it is still running - a difficult and full of the process called "patches."

"With this real-time database work is a nightmare of things, explained:" A network engineer ..

Corruption in the database, according to industry sources, is considered to be many users cause power outages continued to Thursday.

Message delay and flaky browsing, marking the end break, and spread to North America and Asia period, is caused by the backlog of data, was established. RIM's global system, through a large number of data as the system gradually in Europe is fixed grinding.

The company is too early to declare victory (Tuesday) morning, when it said the service had been "restored." However, database problems, prompting the second before the crash, the user receives any data. Errors in all public relations theory that, RIM this week, this optimistic behavior angered most of its network partners.

"They should have just asked us - we do not see any BlackBerry traffic, said:" In the UK the network source.

"They are too active, it did not help."

UK mobile network executives as "absolutely furious" with RIM, but they know, must continue to work for the user's BlackBerry Internet service, will always depend on the company.

Reporters conference on Thursday in 3pm Lazaridis, RIM's co-founder and CEO Mike has apologized profusely, finally announced the system back to normal. This time, he has backed up the mobile network, the BlackBerry users see their data connection flicker back to life. It is a global power, and Research In Motion BlackBerry can not say one day four power outages, affecting millions of end users. The company's founder Mike Lazaridis (Thursday), BlackBerry users in the video apology, said the service "back to normal" in the world, but he can not say when they will be completely restored.

"We know we let you down many people you expect more from us, I look forward to from us, Lazaridis said:" In the video information. "He claimed," We are now approaching normal levels, in Europe, the Middle East, India and Africa, millions of customers around the world the message and e-mail service disruption, October 10 日 (Monday).

To Wednesday due to power outages spread from Europe to Latin America and North America, RIM's UK data center servers up to 700 000 the problem is accused of BlackBerry users can not use their phone's various functions, including e-mail and messenger.

Lazaridis added: "I want to give a full recovery time is estimated around the world, but at this time, I can not do," before midnight (Wednesday), RIM also said that the service level "progress and In the U.S., Canada and Latin America. "recovery as a service, it is expected to take some time for users to receive their entire e-mail backlog.

In the United States, RIM said on Wednesday that e-mail system, BBM and browsing services, the company continues to clear the backlog of messages. BlackBerry in the world can not fault a time difference of RIM. On Friday, Apple's iPhone 4S is a record one million pre-order in just 24 hours after the sale. Sleeve for the iPhone 4S cloud services into IOS 5 (now) coupled to rave reviews, and further damage to RIM's smartphone market share decline. There have been hundreds of millions of South Africa and BlackBerry users around the world from their BlackBerry instant messaging and the Internet was cut off after three days sleeping today.

However, the technical guru that technical failure is a bigger problem, in Motion (RIM), the Canadian company that makes mobile phones in the study symptomatic.

RIM said in its European infrastructure is a key link failure (Monday) and back-up did not work. The fundamental problem has been fixed, but still a backlog of emails and messages.

RIM said on its website: "In Europe, the Middle East, India and Africa, we see a significant increase in the level of service our global team to continue efforts to restore the region's comprehensive and consistent service."

70 million BlackBerry users worldwide.

Things SA, editor Toby Shapshak said, RIM is trouble, "and poor perception than reality," there is a market perception.

"They are in the North American market, under pressure from its domestic market, with Google's Andr oid mobile phones and Apple's heel."

Information and communication technology analyst Arthur Goldstuck said, RIM BlackBerry failure symptoms leading to failure.


However, the most surprising aspect of the crisis is how RIM's deal with it. They can not comment on local media or on behalf of clients, and all communication from the British administration. "

According to Goldstuck of World Wide Web WORX recent studies, the BlackBerry has been in South Africa, 4% of mobile market share. In a recent return to the failed campaign (RMI) studies have been seriously hit BlackBerry users have been complaining about the city's collapse.

While a few are still determined to continue to use the BlackBerry, a few other people say, they may be transferred to other mobile phone brand, if the problem occurs again.

Although BlackBerry sales may be affected this holiday, another collapse would certainly force the BlackBerry users to other mobile phone brands.

BlackBerry smartphone users worldwide to millions of three days as their messages and mail service, due to collapsing infrastructure, as in dealing with these devices, the Canadian company RIM's core switch failure and frustration of failure.

They can not browse the Web or instant messaging, or access other Internet services such as e-mail.

Some Blackberry addicts in the city were enraged that their "Network World" came to a stand-alone, BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), online chat applications to stop working.

Despite this, some like Lolita DAS, a publishing house employees, loyal BlackBerry users, said, "Our office network on the BBM, is a real problem, exchange materials, ideas and mailing reports from the field.

This is a considerable obstacle.

However, I will not change my phone for two reasons.

Cheaper than the iPhone, Blackberry BBM is a very efficient service. "Nother Blackber ryaddict, 卡迈勒基兰, stone re-employee says," This is a huge problem.

I like a BL a ckbe R R Ÿ drug addicts.

All my games, e-mail, office mail, BBM, applications, and all goes according to my phone.

Three days, my phone like a black paper weight. "When asked if he will still continue to use the BlackBerry, he said," I will go with it.

Applications and operating software, so user-friendly, this is I want to customize.

I guess it's just a basket of infrastructure collapse.

They should have a backup job.

I believe they will deal with this problem and get it fixed. "He further added," the messenger is a great application is amazing.

If I did my BlackBerry, I gift to my friend.

Since Thursday morning, my phone is pretty good response, but if this happens two or three times, I will go back to my Nokia phone. "Initially, the BlackBerry on the market, they were labeled as business phones.

In the BlackBerry development, Parasmani Swami said, "In my opinion the best business phone, because it's safe and fast.

At the beginning of the BlackBerry is not welcome, because they are purely as a business phone market.

Feeling the heat from the other competitors on a regular basis, it still managed to maintain its existence.

However, there is still a large group of people rather than other phones BlackBerry users. "However, there are many, who used only as a backup for official purposes and Blackberry mobile phones.

Ravi Korukonda, co-founder and Chief Operating Officer [X] cube labs, telecom software development company, said, "BB collapse is terrible.

Nearly 70 million people were affected.

A major event, the incidence of common die the same day, when Apple introduced the iPhone5 and 4GS. "Then he said:" I use as a backup to test our application.

So, I like the iPhone as my primary phone and Nexus.

I think that Blackberry's time.

Apple has come up with iMessenger, now it is not only a game gadget.

The future will be touch and Apple. "BlackBerry phone shop shop Muhammad Iftekar demonstrators," said the BlackBerry has been a craze, and even now there are many people already on the phone and its functionality. In Motion's co-CEO of Research has hundreds of millions of BlackBerry customers an apology, a four-day interruption, RIM's tarnished image and reset the drive, and Apple and other smartphone competitors to catch up.

System-wide failure, began on Monday, stay in five continents, ten million frustrated Blackberry users do not have e-mail, instant messaging and browsing.

Executives - Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie - contained in a company, especially inopportune time from the consequences of a crisis, an obvious attempt at a news conference on Thursday the unusual joint appearance.

RIM, whose share price has fallen this year, is already reeling after a series of profit warnings and product failures.

Interrupt service cost compensation, who lost the services of the customer's BlackBerry handset manufacturers millions of dollars. Experts say it may damage the reliability of the BlackBerry, one of its main selling point of reputation.

"Wedbush analyst Scott Sutherland said:" We still believe that most of the value of RIM's network and communications services, which can curl values.

"Lazaridis said:" I think we have to apologize to all BlackBerry customers, in an open conference call. "We can not quickly solve this problem has been frustrating."

Canadian company says it has fixed a global BlackBerry service interruption causes, and are working to clear the power outage caused a huge backlog.

Although RIM's argument there is no independent confirmation of BlackBerry users around the world, said on Thursday afternoon, it seems to restore normal service.

Power - and RIM's sluggish communication with customers - seditious rising dissatisfaction with Lazaridis and Balsillie.

Even in the most recent power outage, RIM's critics seek in a shake, said the company's senior managers have been falling too far behind Apple and other competitors in a rapidly changing market.

RIM has held crisis meetings only on Monday since the beginning of the second call, it was the first Chief Executive to send the media's questions.

Public relations experts, do not know why the company so long, that its response to the crisis has been slow, poor communication.

Leading public relations crisis management consultant in Toronto, Bonner, "Allen said," I think a statement of empathy, not spend any person may have in any of several hours.

"They are doing way to deal with the crisis, they are designing their own software these days - it is outdated, slow, not their customers, and access to, said:" Gene Grabowski, senior vice president of Levick Strategic Communications.

The company did not say definitely whether it will compensate customers. When Balsillie ask, he said: "This is our present to our attention, it is these customers we plan to come back very soon."

Telefonica in Spain and other network providers have said they will make up for customers lost service, and analysts expect carriers to seek to recover these losses from RIM.

If RIM to pay all affected operators and customers, it can knock late in the quarter ended November 3 to 5 fold per cent profit, according to BMO Capital Markets analyst Tim Long. This will reduce the amount of between $ 150,000 and $ 260,000 profit.

There is a multi-barrier

Power to make the Canadian smartphone maker's path more obstacles, because it seems to fester in the United States to reverse the loss of market share, many analysts fear will spread to RIM's growing overseas market.

August, RIM released the latest batch of touch screen mobile phone, until a major release, now powers its PlayBook Tablet PC operating software for BlackBerry smartphones next year's measures.

Is considered crucial turnover efforts and hope to catch up with Apple's iPhone and Google Andr oid best transition powered devices.

On Thursday, the stock fell 1.1%, $ 23.60 in afternoon Nasdaq. The stock has lost two-thirds of its value since February, the peak near $ 70. Service interruptions, both highlight the BlackBerry to provide special security features, but that it is vulnerable to massive failure.

RIM in mobile phone manufacturers is unique because its own system of data compression and encryption before the push to BlackBerry devices through the carrier's network. Apple and other network operators rely on to handle all the routing and content delivery.

RIM said it has decided, from Slough in the UK, switch failure in the data center, and then the backup failed due to the normal operation of power - in the company's history, the most widely used -.

This caused a lot of data, and block the other data center, spread in most parts of the interference of the reservoir.

Lazaridis said that this will take some time to find out why the switch and the backup failed, setting off the crisis.

, The network equipment market research firm Infonetics principal analyst Michael Howard said outage shows that, RIM needs to expand its network capacity.

"No one knows how to build a backup data center to establish a flexible and resilient network," he said. "I think they will change their own data storage and change."

However, RIM hopes its proprietary instant messaging systems and management personnel rely on their secure email service linked to the consumer forget the latest hiccup.

Mary, a 28-year-old Canadian BlackBerry users who do not want to give her last name, said, RIM's very little attention to the problem is because of her eyes in Dubai GITEX Shopper, which claimed that the Middle East's largest display of BlackBerry Electronics Show.

"They can get it fixed - all technology has its flaws - it is not the end of the world," she said.


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