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Friday, October 14, 2011

Warren Buffett continues to argue for higher taxes for wealthy

warren tax
Warren Buffett, the world's third richest man who has been the richest Americans, vocal supporters of tax increases, to take his struggle, Congress cut the deficit super committee. He sent a group of their own with the Kansas Republican Congressman Tim Huelskamp, indicating that he is willing to release, as long as his federal tax returns and other wealthy Americans will follow a series of letters, according to the Associated Press.

"If you can get other super-rich Americans, published in the return with me, it would be very useful for intelligent dialogue and tax reform," Buffett wrote in the letter, which yesterday received the AP.

In the bipartisan group, and create what Buffett looking for a way to reduce the national debt line in the summer of hope.

Buffett's letter to the Huelskamp provide some insight to do his taxes and revenues. Sources pointed out that Buffett put $ 62,855,038 of his total adjusted gross income, and his taxable income was $ 39,814,784.

Buffett's struggle to increase the super-rich with a lot of people who are crying part of the revenue account in the Wall Street protests across the country. Although the protesters' demands is one of many, there is a single participant called for a reduction of between 1% of the richest countries and the income gap between middle and lower classes.

Warren Buffett's son Howard Buffett, recently made his support of the demonstrators on Wall Street, according to Bloomberg. Concentrated in the food distribution of young Buffett said his comments, it is difficult for the poor, has been more sustenance.
Billionaire Warren Buffett said he made $ 62,855,038 last year, even though his taxable income of $ 39,814,784.

In to Rep. Tim Huelskamp, ​​R - canal, a letter obtained by The Associated Press on Wednesday, Buffett found his adjusted gross income over members of his quest to persuade Congress to raise taxes on the rich. Buffett believes that the rich do not pay a fair share, compared with middle-class tax.

This letter is to some members of Congress to so-called super-Committee one to decide how to cut from $ 1.2 trillion federal budget.

"If we find an owl or other endangered species," this summer, Buffett's OP - ED in the New York Times advocating tax increases for the rich, saying they are "spoiled" in Congress, he wrote: "My friend, I have been coddled long enough by the billionaire-friendly Congress. At this time our government to get serious about shared sacrifice. "

In the letter, Buffett wrote that he pay federal taxes 6,938,744 yuan last year, he or 17.4% of taxable income.

His taxable income minus exemptions and itemized deductions, such as charitable donations, certain business expenses and state and local taxes, from his adjusted gross income. Buffett, who knows there is a relatively simple way of life to become a billionaire, has long advocated for the rich to donate their wealth to charity. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates helped launch in June 2010 donation commitment required to donate half of the super-rich wealth to charity.

In September, President Obama's "Buffett rule" explained that the income of $ 1 million or more should be in the similar rate of middle-class tax.

Buffett, worth about $ 39 billion ($ 5.9 billion), is the second richest person, the U.S. Bill Gates, according to Forbes' list of richest people in the country, published in September.

Buffett's wealth in the past year fell by $ 6 billion loss Forbes' list of the most total dollars. He gave in the past year $ 3.27 billion, from the Berkshire Hathaway , where he is the CEO of the shares 10% of the impact of the decline. Approximately 25% of wages than the American middle class millionaires million lower tax rate, according to a study by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service of the new.

According to the report, which was based on data from 2006, about a quarter of millionaires (about 94.500) to pay federal tax less than 26.5% of their income, while middle-income taxpayers by about 10% (about 10.4 million tax people) to pay more than 26.5% of revenue. Middle-income taxpayers are defined as adjusted gross income over $ 100,000 the following people.

This study confirms the recent claim by the billionaire investor Warren Buffett, his percentage of his taxable income in a given year the amount was in his office, "the percentage is lower than 20, any other payment." Tout. Buffett's opinion piece in the August issue, members of Congress in Washington should raise the "super rich" who was "spoiled by the billionaire-friendly Congress long enough." Taxes

His words inspired the so-called Buffett rules, the Obama administration's initiatives, efforts to change tax laws so that "no family to more than 100 million U.S. dollars, payable annually in income taxes than middle-class families pay a smaller share. "

According to Thomas Hungerford, who authored the report or the Congressional Research Service, Buffett is not the gap in the tax law requires unfounded.

"The current U.S. tax system, contrary to a large proportion of millionaires paid less than their middle-income taxpayers a tax revenue significantly smaller proportion of Buffett's rules," he wrote.

The study pointed out that while, on average, millionaires Thursday to pay more than the middle class (about 30%, while about 19 percent) more revenue, the average tax rate in use around the discussion of this issue, "hidden a large number of taxpayers in the face of changes in effective tax rates. "

He said: "This is mainly because high-income taxpayers with low tax rates for long-term capital gains and qualified dividends, which is a low tax rate, rather than by the payroll tax, the income ratio is very high," Hungerford said.

Lower income taxpayers, but most of the revenues earned wages - which is subject to payroll tax.

Congressional Republicans that the proposed rule is an example of wealthy Americans launched the "class struggle" Buffett Democrats.

Mr. Obama flatly rejected the idea and pushed his employment bill - which included appearances in the national version of Buffett's rules.

"This is not class struggle - it is math," Obama said in September he was attempting to rally support for the Bill. The money must come from somewhere ... If we do not want to ask those who have done extraordinarily well, to help close the deficit in the United States ... other people say has done a lot more math, we have the full burden of the middle class and the poor. "

Obama's Senate on Tuesday blocked the Employment Act, the President vowed to push Congress to pass the measure piecemeal.
    "About 25% of millionaires in the United States to pay more than middle-income taxpayers a significant part of the lower effective tax rate of federal tax, according to the legislative analysis.

    Investment income and payroll taxes on high income earners to reduce the impact of preferential treatment to about 94.500 millionaires to pay more than 10.4 million "middle-income taxpayers," roughly equivalent to 10 produced at least $ 100,000 a year by reducing tax rates , according to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service report in May. Seventh, "billionaire investor Warren Buffett said Wednesday he made $ 62,855,038 last year, paying income taxes $ 6,923,494 (or about 17 he was $ 39,814,784 taxable income%) and $ 15.300 of the payroll tax.

Buffett worried that he does not pay taxes is not enough Republicans in Congress have introduced legislation to allow Warren Buffett - and others who believe that they are based - taxation - the tax form for voluntary contributions to US Treasury easy choice.

South Dakota Senator John maps and Rep. Steve Scalise said Louisiana State Senate in supporting the legislation.

Known as the "Buffett of the 2011 Act," the name of the bill President Obama needs to make a mockery of their own credit card "self rule", which in turn will close tax loopholes, to ensure that Warren Buffett does not like him then the tax rate paid less than his secretary.

According to the maps, there is nothing more to stop paying taxes Buffett, his ability to streamline the Legislative Council. As I said in the following, non-partisan Congressional Research Service report released a new record using the analogy of Obama and the Democrats - there are many who pay the lower tax rate than Warren Buffett's secretary - is entirely correct.

But there is an important finding buried conflicting reports, it is worth playing: reports that nearly 100,000 people in this category.

The gold in question can be found on page five. It provides:

    The average tax rate for millionaires ... in nearly 30 of about 10% rate of more than 35% of face. In addition, another 10% of the face below the 24% tax rate. Comparison with the middle-income taxpayers (with AGI below $ 100,000), about a quarter of all millionaires (about 94.500 taxpayers) millionaire tax rate faced by middle-income is lower than the 10.4 million taxpayers (10 % of low tax rates faced by middle-income taxpayers), which will be considered a violation of the rules of Buffett, but not to the extent that Mr. Buffett.

This means, the study calculated that about 94.500 millionaires in this country who pay more than 10 million middle-class taxpayers than low tax rates on Thursday

This is why it is important: it makes the actual number who pay a lower tax rate than middle-income folks who have money category. Buffett from the conservatives to Obama's response has been to push the rules that the average wage than the affluent middle-class taxpayers with higher tax rates on Thursday and this is true - that the report confirmed.

But Buffett law is that some of the millionaires, not all middle-income people than to pay a lower tax rate. This report tells us that nearly 100 million people in this column. In other words, the report confirmed that those who have said that this is a common phenomenon is absolutely correct. Buffett himself has admitted that he paid to his office than in other people's low tax rates. If this report is true, there are nearly 100.000 Warren Buffett there.


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