you know that Quran is a scripture for Islam. Quran is very important for Muslims because the Quran has taught us (muslim) to perform live. like forgiveness and respect for one another. Quran is never taught to kill each other people of different religions. if you ever read the Quran even though it means not only read Arabic writings, you would understand what the purpose of a Muslim to live. and you have to know if in this world has good relations of country to other countries. and if the pastor of DWOC in florida still will burn the Quran, then, throughout the country that there have Muslim people, they would be anti-USA, and announcing you? what will happen in the future? probably will be war, would probably like the second world war or first world war, and the war will be named to the third world war. bloodshed everywhere. are you happy with the situation, our past will be brought backwards. war everywhere. peace will be difficult to happen as it is today. so, only those barbarians who would burn the Quran!
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