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Friday, March 9, 2012

Austria's economy shrank slightly in the upward trend 2012

In December, the mood had lightened again. The WIFO Business Survey in February show that the companies expect an upward trend in the Austrian industry, says the WIFO.

The impetus for this come from the U.S. and in emerging countries. The U.S. economy grew in the fourth quarter of 2011 to the unexpectedly strong 0.7 percent the previous quarter. The general picture of the leading indicators in the U.S. slowdown and the risks in the financial sector could be a positive development in the U.S. expect when it says Wifo. The situation on the labor market remains, however, despite the declining number of unemployed tense.

In the euro zone, the individual economies develop very differently. While the German economy is bursting with energy, the highly indebted countries suffer from the austerity programs of their governments.

German exports rose in January compared to the previous month's surprisingly strong. The company sold goods worth 85.9 billion euros abroad. They were 9.3 percent more than in January 2011.

In Italy, however, industrial output in January fell by 2.5 percent. The EU Commission expects Italy's economy shrinks 0.7 percent in early 2012 with the same drop in the final quarter of 2011. The country is in recession, and economic performance is expected to decline, according to Italian central bank for the full year by 1.5 percent.

In Spain the unemployment rate at around 23 percent higher than in any other EU country. It runs a little better in neighboring France. There was in January by 0.2 percent more than produced in December. In the third quarter, real GDP had risen by 0.2 percent over the previous quarter and by 2.5 percent over the same quarter last year. Nominally, GDP in the fourth quarter, according to WIFO by 2.7 percent from a year earlier, in the third quarter, the figure was up 4.4 percent.
Consumer spending stable

Dampened the domestic economy in the fourth quarter was the only stable consumer spending. Industrial production fell sharply in December, according to WIFO. Early 2012 have been consolidated, the economy, however, and the evidence of an upward trend would be gemehrt.

Mainly due to lack of stimulus from foreign trade, the local GDP has shrunk for the fourth quarter. Exports slumped during this period by 0.4 percent, as the Wifo said. The decline was attenuated but by an increase in gross capital formation by 1.6 percent, but the continued strength of private consumption.
Improvement in sentiment

Despite the slight slowdown in growth in Austria, according to WIFO year brightened the general mood on back in December. According to the Economic Survey of the Institute from February, the domestic industrial firms expect an upward trend.

The world economy continued to early 2012, according to WIFO slightly - after a slowdown in late 2011. This stabilization will be worn next to the U.S., especially from emerging markets. World trade is firming, commodity prices will tend upwards.
Unfavourable developments in the euro area

Will certainly dampened the outlook of the continuing unfavorable developments in the euro area. Although some leading indicators would suggest a tranquilizer, "the uncertainty of private households and companies due to the continued high risk in the financial sector, however, suppressed the growth prospects."

In the U.S., the economy grew in the fourth quarter of 2011 unexpectedly strong - with 0.7 percent real increase over the previous quarter - as the Wifo recalls. The general picture of the leading indicators and the slowdown risks in the financial sector would lead us to expect a positive development.
Confidence in Economic Development

In addition to the increase in lending, according to WIFO strengthens the confidence of private households in the future economic development. This view is also the recent reduction in the savings rate. Although the unemployment rate in January was down again, the labor market remains tight, however. In the euro zone's economy was developing persistent weak.

In Germany, GDP in the 4th Quarter by 0.2 percent from the previous quarter, the euro zone, it shrank by as much as 0.3 percent. In the distance rose the Austrian economic performance major trading partners by 1.5 percent in the euro zone by 0.7 percent.

The flash estimate for GDP in the first local Quarter of 2012, Wifo on 15 May release. Before it stands on 29 March, the highly anticipated next quarterly economic forecast of WIFO and IHS in 2012 and 2013.


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