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Friday, March 9, 2012

Capital Economics: One and a half percent of the Hungarian economy may fall back 2012

Business Capital Economics: One and a half percent of the Hungarian economy may fall back 2012
The house in London's economists acknowledged that the region at the end of last year's growth performance "was not as bad" as something that the company was "still in Hungary and the Czech Republic no."

The description of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office on Friday gross domestic product (GDP) in the fourth quarter of 2011 to the earlier flash estimate corresponding to the rate of 1.4 percent the previous year's same period. Capital Economics, had expected a decline of GDP in both countries last year's fourth quarter, but he remained in the growth in Hungary and the Czech Republic was only 0.1 percent decline in quarterly comparison.

Capital Economics analyst also pointed out, however, that consumption in the region as a whole is slowing down, and Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia actually decreased. In a number of factors also play a role here: the közszférákban saving programs are taking place, while the weak labor market position, and this also means that real wages in the "best case" stagnant.

This is compounded by that of the tight credit market conditions as well, in addition to the household is released from debt, especially in Hungary, where high foreign currency debt burden of the population - Friday stressed the kommentárjukban economists Capital Economics in London.

The house forecasts that the region's strongest economic power in Poland this year is expected to provide. Capital Economics, the weakest performance in Hungary, while waiting for 2012.

The house, this forecast is the high dependence on exports, continued fiscal austerity, the weak labor market position, high debt and banks' exposures to risk reduction is justified.

Based on these emerging regional analysts Capital Economics in London in 2012 as a whole 1.5 percent GDP decline is expected in the Hungarian economy.

The JP Morgan analysts on Friday kommentárjukban indicated that they expect that the Hungarian economy in the coming quarters, "the recession will be around," and the house at this year's first quarter GDP slight downturn count.

The company forecasts that Hungarian industrial output value of the annualized projected 3 percent decline in 2012 first three months, and Nokia's decision to restrain the assembly activity of European plants in, you probably own a "few tenths" percentage points open pare the annual comparison, reported this year's first quarter of Hungary's GDP -data making.

Later this year, however, the major automotive investment is expected to give a lift to the industrial production and exports as well - predicted Friday kommentárjukban analyst at JP Morgan in London.

The company has all in all, economists have stated that in 2012 the whole of Hungarian GDP growth of 0.5 percent is expected.

JP Morgan experts say that the budget consolidation and credit more tightly stagnation pressure on consumption, while the foreign debt burden of credible program aimed at improving the result is likely to "'modest' rise in household consumption.


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