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Friday, December 3, 2010

Wikileaks Founder Suggests U.S. Is Out to Kill Him

Wikileaks Founder Suggests U.S. Is Out to Kill Him
The world has been waiting in extreme tension for Wikileaks to publish a quarter million leaked diplomatic cables. “World history will be rewritten”, was Assange’s ominous announcement. What we were promised was going to be “Seven times larger than the Iraqi war diaries”  (400,000 documents).

Instead, all we got was a few hundred leaked diplomatic cables, only one of them mildly damaging to the US. America has perhaps been trying to spy on UN officials. Almost all other cables are about how the whole world agrees that Iran is a nuclear menace that should be dealt with sooner rather than later. Cables strongly supporting the US stance on North Korea and Iran.

The Guardian has an interactive world map where one can browse leaked cables per capital. Almost every click yields one to half a dozen “leaks” on how Iran is seeking and smuggling nuclear tech, on how North Korea and China are helping them, on how Iran is persecuting dissidents, threatening its neighbors and generally is pissing off everyone.

CIA/MOSSAD couldn’t have done a better job.

We checked to see if the Guardian hadn’t merely spun the story. They haven’t. All there is on Wikileaks are those few Iran-bashing diplomatic emails and cables. Assange had promised that “World history will never be the same”, but all we got was “Putin is an alpha-male” and “Netanyahu is a very charming man but he often breaks his promises”. And, curiously, lots and lots of dirt on Iran. Why would Assange, a self-professed hater of wars of agression, hold back on 99.95% of the “secret cables” and only release those that accuse Iran of being a nefarious rogue state, thereby greatly aiding and abetting a Neocon bombing campaign against Iran?

We researched the issue from more angles and viewpoints. If this isn’t a spin-job by the mainstream media, could it be that Assange/Wikileaks is a CIA asset? Hardly so. We found Julian Assange’s old blog at He comes across as independent and anti-imperialistic, even anarchistic. Year after year. Hardly someone who would sell his soul to the devil, even though Webster Tarpley suggested that Assange is a MK Ultra victim.

There is some evidence that Assange indeed could be a CIA agent: Julian, when interviewed on his position on “Conspiracy theories”, answered that there are two kinds of Conspiracy theories, “real and crazed ones”, and that he would never allow “crazed” ones to be published on Wikileaks. He gave some examples of “annoying, false conspiracy theories”, such as: “9/11 was an inside job”. Assange will personally make sure that supporting evidence for these “crazy, annoying conspiracy theories” will never make it into Wikileaks. He said: “Why don’t those people find a REAL conspiracy?”. Early in the last decade, Assange had been arrested for 24 counts of computer hacking but he strangely only was fined. Would he have been recruited at that point? Most likely not, because Assange wrote an essay on secret government conspiracies, and his desire to bring down the “Secret Government”. His essay is here:

Note how Assange suggests “kidnapping” and “assassinating” key conspirators. In this case, key members of the “Secret Government”. A bold fellow indeed – and a threat to the Powers that Be, no doubt.

An agent: Possible but improbable. Doubts remain. When “The Jester” orchestrated a DDOS attack on Wikileaks, he immediately was arrested in an unprecedented blitz-operation. So that Wikileaks could continue disseminating Iran-incriminating material? When we look at the damning Iraq war clip he posted on Wikileaks of a group of journalists and civilians, we conclude that Assange is merely naive and likely not a CIA agent. Because, apart from the imaginative title, he edited that “Collateral murder” video to cause maximum damage to the US war machine. He had a professional video editor edit the clip in such a way that it attained maximum shock value. We doubt that the CIA would do that.

So we established that Assange is a very intelligent, yet relatively naive/mild “truther” with a proven anti-US bias. We know he said he would publish a quarter million “history-shattering” diplomatic leaks. We know he has no problem editing his material to make the US look that little bit worse.

But then why is all we got 220 pro-US, anti-Iran leaks that are nothing but rehashed war propaganda and stale trivia? Why are almost all leaks rehashes of the familiar “bomb Iran” rhetoric? “Saudi Arabia wants the US to ‘Cut off the head of the snake’” etcetera, etcetera.

There can be only one conclusion: Julian Assange has been kidnapped, the secret cables (more than 14,000 of them were classified “Secret”!) have been intercepted and only those putting Iran in a bad light were uploaded to Wikileaks. Plus a dozen on different, quite innocuous topics such as that Sarkozy is “authoritarian” and Berlusconi “likes to party” and that Khadaffi “loves blondes”. Because if all leaks would have been anti-Iran, it would have been a little too suspicious – even to the sheeple.

A plausible scenario, given that a wedge has been driven between Assange and his volunteers, and that Assange alone has control over the upload process. Where is Julian Assange now? We will be told he is “in hiding”, as we are told Osama bin Laden is “in hiding”. Because that sounds all too credible, doesn’t it? Bin Laden is a wanted, hunted man and so is Assange. Hiding makes sense. There are enough innocuous leaks to last ten lifetimes, with the speed they are released now, “to give them the attention they deserve”. It doesn’t make sense. No sense at all. Assange’s either a CIA agent or he’s dead. From what we’ve seen from him in many interviews and speeches, he’s not a CIA agent. A self-important manchild for sure. But no agent. Assange is dead.

Julian Assange has been assassinated. He’s dead. Kidnapped and killed by an intelligence service, probably MOSSAD, MI6 or CIA. The “leaks” are obviously part of a disinformation circus intended to tar and feather Iran publicly and with maximum publicity. To instill fear for North Korea, to shame China and to show Europe and the Middle East their place.
The “insurance file” may have been decrypted by the NSA and found to be a bluff. Or perhaps they deemed the contents of that file less detrimental than the contents of 250,000 confidential and secret diplomatic messages. Or they tortured Assange before they killed him, and found out who have the decryption key, and those people are “missing” now too.


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